Move - Arrow Keys
Jump - Z
Attack - X

A very small tech demo showcasing Zelda 2-like combat programmed in Fusion 2.5. My submission for the 2024 Alberta Game Jam. I spent most of the 2 days allotted for the jam getting the basic movement and attack systems and animations down - this didn't leave much time for design! As a result this is more of a proof-of-concept for something I'd love to revisit down the road. There's just the one screen with the slime for now.

Basic movement left to implement:
* Crouching attack
* Downward thrust (mid-air)
* Disable jump while crouching
* Recoil from damage

Known issues with the HTML5 export:
* Jump gravity noticeably lower (floatier) than in the EXE version [Firefox only?]
* Fonts rendering incorrectly

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